Tabou Combo

Tabou Combo

The Superstars of tabou combo continue to entertain the Haitian music lovers. They have been doing that for several generations.

four of the original members of Tabou Combo such as Roger Eugene know by the name of Shoubou, Yves Joseph also known as Fanfan, Andre Yvon known by Kapi, and Jean Claude Jean.

Tabou Combo, a history of delivering great Haitian music

19 October 2012

Tabou Combo has been the leading Konpa band in Haiti for over three decades. They began as Los Incognitos of Pétionville in 1968, rapidly achieving their first taste of success, Haiti Radio's "Best Musical Group of the Year" award.

At the end of 1970, they relocated to New York, as Tabou Combo, and with a new band head, Jean-Claude Jean. It was there their career took off, resulting in fans on all major continents of the globe. more »