7 février 1986, discours d'adieu de Jean-Claude Duvalier

7 février 1986, discours d'adieu de Jean-Claude Duvalier

This is probably something you woud want to watch once again. 7 février 1986, le discours d'adieu de Jean-Claude Duvalier.

Jean-Claude succeeded his father as the president for life in April 1971 when he was only 19 years old to become the youngest president in the world. With pressures from the U.S, he instituted budgetary and judicial reforms in an attempt to moderate the tyrannical and corrupt practices of his father's regime. However, there were no substantive changes to the regime's basic oppressive character. When Pope John Paul II visited Haiti, the pontiff called for a more egalitarian social structure, and a more equitable distribution of income. Following his visit a revolt began in the city of Gonaïves, gradually it spread to the entire country. In January 1986, the U.S administration under Ronald Regan began to pressure Duvalier to renounce his rule and to leave Haiti. He departed the country on 7 February 1986, flying to France in a U.S. Air Force aircraft and remained there till 16 January 2011. He died on 4 October 2014 in Haiti.

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