President Obama Announces Sweeping Immigration Reform

President Obama Announces Sweeping Immigration Reform

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President Barack Obama has decided to take action on his own to deal with illegal immigration in in the US.

The Key for our Haitian community is that if you have been living in the US for the past 5 years
a)- If you have been living in the US for more than 5 years
b)- If you have children who are American citizens or Legal Residents
c) If you register, pass a criminal background check
d) You are willing to pay your fair share of Tax
You will be able to apply to stay in the US temporarily.

Kreyol Pale, Kreyol Kompran:

Mezanmi, me sa Obama di a propo de Executive order sa ke li signin-an. Si yon moun ki ape viv isit ilealman kapab prouve 4 bagay sa yo, yo gin chans pou yo aplike pou papye travay

1) Si ou ape viv plis ke sink an isit ilegalman

2) si ou gin ti moun ki sitwayin Amerikin oubyen residan

3) Si moun sa pa gin criminal record

4) si ou dakor pou peye tout tax ou dwe leta isit,

Out gin chans pou travay legalman isit. Se yon bagay tamporer

Video Comments (1)

Exumene says...

e moun yo ki gwen tipi yes la eske yo encli ladan nan lwa

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