Gabel, Flav and Oswald in the song Gadem na Je

Gabel, Flav and Oswald in the song Gadem na Je

This is an opportunity for you to judge the music video for Gabel, FLAC and Oswald. the song is titled, Gadem nan Je. This video is their latest production and the group is making a lot of effort to occupy a place in the Haitian Music industry.

This is the time to give your opinion on the performance of the group. Do you think this video was well done by Gabel, FLAC and Oswald? Take the time to listen to the song and also to watch the music video with lots of attention. What in your opinion were done correctly and god with the music video of Gabel? Where do you think there are room for improvement?

Over all, do you think the musical group Gabel has talent. Any member you think does not have his place in the group

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