Election - Video Haiti

Election - Video Haiti

Showing 1 - 10 of 22 related videos:

Jean-Bertrand Aristide made rare public appearance Jean-Bertrand Aristide made rare public appearance
7,185 views • 1 Comments
Here is former President Jean Bertrand Aristide showing some support to the Presidential candidate of the political...
National School of Leogane set on Fire to protest Haiti election National School of Leogane set on Fire to protest Haiti election
8,492 views • 1 Comments
As part of the violence taking place all over the country to prevent the government from implementing his plan to...
Michel Martelly will not leave power on February 7 Michel Martelly will not leave power on February 7
We can start getting ready for lots of instability in Haiti if a solution can not be found before February 7th which...
VIDEO - CEP takes engagement to respect Commission recommendations VIDEO - CEP takes engagement to respect Commission recommendations
The CEP takes the engagement to respect the recommendations of the commission On Sunday, January 3, 2016, the...
Eleksyon dimanch Tet Dwat, President Michel Martelly Eleksyon dimanch Tet Dwat, President Michel Martelly
Are we living in the same country with President Michel Martelly? While most people are asking to stop the election...
Candidate Jude Celestin address to the Nation Candidate Jude Celestin address to the Nation
He stated that for him to participate in the election scheduled for January 24 would be bad. There werer so many...
VIDEO - Protest erupted and CIMO Officer shot VIDEO - Protest erupted and CIMO Officer shot
Here is a video report as protest erupted following the final announcement of CEP. PEC Refuses to Cancel October 25th...
Claire Lydie Parent and other Stars protest the Election results in Haiti Claire Lydie Parent and other Stars protest the Election results in Haiti
6,552 views • 1 Comments
Here is the video where Claire Lydie Parent and other Stars were involved protest against Election results in Haiti...
Thirty percent of Votes received at Tabulation Center Thirty percent of Votes received at Tabulation Center
On Tuesday, October 27 or two days after the election, the Tabulation center has received 30% of the Proces-verbal...
VIDEO - Election 2015 at Lycee Nationale de Petion ville VIDEO - Election 2015 at Lycee Nationale de Petion ville
4,759 views • 1 Comments
Here is a Video of the Election 2015 morning at Lycee Nationale de Petion ville. Confusion reigned at the...